E. V.

A small footnote in tomorrow’s foundation,As we let today be the first of something great,one just needs to learn to keep positive, one can whether the weight.

E. V.

Moving in leaps and bounds . . .

When a single step would do,


And notice that the plan just needs to be a little bit closer to clouds,

Rather than ones actions being loud.

H. W. T:

Where does one begin . . .?

When the beginning seems so far off?

And the middle won’t be as juicy enough if,

You didn’t receive the starter . . . Yes . . . I have taken it to thought that you might not eat as much,

Yet . . . Taken to mind that is why the beginning,

Middle and end are called a full meal,

Of course the 3 musketeers keep it real,

Ey whose here to debate . . . did you get a bite at least,

Life will move a mountain if you procrastinate the feast,

The moment is here . . . take a seat.